Saturday 20 October 2012

Sculpting my character (K1) physically!!!

As we are sculpting our characters in Zbrush we are also sculpting them physically also, however throughout this project i haven't spent half as much time on the physical sculpting as i have in Zbrush because i want to get use to the controls of Zbrush however the physical model also will take some getting use to because it requires you to pay a lot of attention to detail. On the first day i sculpted physically we got taught it step by step with our tutor Simon
We started of by getting some foil and making it into a solid hard firm head shaped ball so we can add clay on top of it and use it as support, we made it firm so as we sculpt it wont go changing shape and ruining inside the clay and overall ruining the model.
Then we started adding clay onto the foil and creating the characters head shape this took time to do because its one of the most important bits in the sculpting because its the main frame of the characters bust we are supposed to be sculpting so if you mess up the shape of your characters head shape your whole character will look out of shape and overall not the way you want it to look.
Once we created the right head shape we would start adding certain features such as the nose, the mouth, the eyes, the eye brows and the hair...because my character is half robot doing this to my character took longer then other students however i still managed to just about do it. However this is just the start of the sculpting but by this time the class had ended and this was my practise model so the next time i start sculpting physically it will be my proper model and i will take more time with it and put more effort into it and have more time to add a lot more detail to it to improve the look of my character and quality of it.

On Thursday 8th November i started the head of my character again, however because i left it until the end of the project to do his head the class ran out of molding clay however we still had some green stuff left in the class so i was told i am aloud to use that however it isn't as good as the other clay the other students had used because once the green stuff goes hard u cant really do much to it however with the other clay it is still possible to sculpt into the solid piece u sculpted.
There wasn't much detail in my head so today i just worked on the detail and sculpted into the bust i was creating and making small changes that will make all the difference like creating harder edges on the hat i sculpted for my character to wear so its more noticeable that it is in fact a hat and not a weirdly shaped head, and i also added some green stuff in certain places to make it a more human like head shape because there was certain features on the head that was not normal for a human head like the nose was not proportioned normal and neither was the mouth, i also created the eye by cutting a hole where the eyeball would naturally be and created it as if it was a real eye so i made the ball for the eye and put that in the eye socket hole i made and then made to eyelids and placed them on top so it looked like a real human eye. I also i sculpted more detail into it so it looked as real as i could possibly make it look within the time i had to do it.

Because the green stuff is green it will look stupid on my sculpture because most of it is made from the clay which is this silvery kind of colour and the colours do not go together well and ruins the whole look of the sculpture so once I'm finished i am going to spray paint it all in one colour so it doesn't look awkward in anyway.

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